Khamis, 25 Oktober 2012

Face Dangerous Area

Triangular Area of Facial Skin

The Triangular Area of Facial Skin including :

- Upper lip

- Nose

- Medial angle of eyes

Are considered as dangerous area of face. If this area became infected, the infection would spread to cavernous sinus and causing its thrombosis.

Deep communication of anterior facial vein in connected with cavernous sinus via two routes.

1st Route :

- Facial vein is connected to superior opthalmic vein which then drains in the cavernous sinus.

 2nd Route :

- Facial vein is connected to pterygoid venous plexus through deep facial vein.

- Then, the pterygoid venous plexus is connected to cavernous sinus via three emissary veins.

Causes of cavernous sinus thrombosis ( from )

The most common cause of cavernous sinus thrombosis is when an infection in another part of the skull, such as the eye, nose or ears, spreads into the cavernous sinuses.

The two infections most commonly associated with a cavernous sinus thrombosis are:

- Sinusitis, which is an infection of the small, air-filled cavities behind the cheekbones and forehead
a boil, which is a large painful pus-filled swelling or lump that develops on the face

- Attempting to squeeze a boil can sometimes result in an infection spreading into the cavernous sinuses.

The immune system will create a blood clot to prevent the infection from spreading further into the body.

However, the clot will usually block the flow of blood away from the brain through the jugular vein. This blockage increases the pressure on the brain and blood can also flow back up into the brain, both of which can damage the brain, as well as the eyes and the central nervous system.

In addition, the immune system, despite the blood clot, is normally ineffective in preventing the spread of infection out of the skull and into the rest of the body.

So the infection often spreads through the blood stream causing multiple organ failure, which is known as blood poisoning or sepsis.

Other causes

Other less common causes of cavernous sinus thrombosis include:

- A severe head injury that results in a blood clot. This is thought to be the second most common cause.

- An infection spreading from a tooth or gum infection .

- Having a health condition or other underlying factor that makes you more prone to blood clots - the most common being pregnancy.

- People who have conditions that cause inflammation (swelling) inside their body, such as lupus or Behçet’s disease, can occasionally develop blood clots.

- Some types of medication, such as the contraceptive pill or the medications used in hormone replacement therapy, can cause blood clots as a side effect, though this is very rare.

Points to Remember

- Use a clean tissue to clean something from your nose instead of picking it with fingers. Nasal passage can be cleaned using nasal rinses.

- Instead of plucking your nose hair, use a nose trimmer.

- Do not squeeze or pick the pimples or zits in this area. Use emollient jelly instead.

- Facial piercings may also give problems.



25 October 2012
11:50 a.m



From Biochemistry Department Book :

- Favism is a type of Congenital Haemolytic Anaemia or Hereditary Haemolyti Anaemia.

- Congenital Hemolytic Anaemia is occurs due to congenital deficiency of Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydogenase ( G6PD ).

- It is X-linked condition.

- Deficiency of G6PD result in :

 * Decrease in the level of NADPH+H

 * Hence, a decrease in the concentration of Reduced Glutathione ( GSH ), which is the main defense mechanism facing the dangerous effect of Hydrogen Peroxide and other oxidant radicals.

- Hydrogen Peroxide may decrease the life span of Erythrocytes and increase the rate of oxidation of Haemoglobin ( Hb ) into Methaemoglobin.

- The deficiency is manifested only after intake of certain oxidant drugs  like primaquine, the antimalarial drug or after ingestion of fava beans ( broad beans ).

- Oxidizing drugs and sulfa drugs, in absence of reduced glutathione ; may distort the membrane of RBCs resulting in hemolysis.

* The urine turns black

* Jaundice is developed

* Hb contentof blood drops sharply.

- In some cases; massive destruction of RBCs causes death.

- This disease could be treated by :

* Administration of antioxidants

* Regular transfusion of packed RBCs.

Meaning of Favism :

Dorland's Pocket Medical Dictionary 28th Edition.

- An acute hemolytic anemia precipitated by fava beans ( ingestion or inhalation of pollen ), usually caused by G6PD in erythrocytes.

Oxford Medical Dictionary.

- Inherited defect in the enzyme G6PD causing the red blood cells ( RBC ) to become sensitive to a chemical in fava beans.

Eating this bean result in destruction of RBC ( Haemolysis ), which may lead to severe anaemia, requiring blood transfusion. Favism occur most commonly in the Mediterranean and Middle East.

Fava Beans ( Broad Beans )



25 October 2012.
7:04 a.m

Ahad, 21 Oktober 2012

# 12 : Dengki Mulia

Mata mendengki.

Entah mengapa, saya secara tidak sengaja wujud satu sifat yang jarang-jarang tumbuh dalam diri. Dengki.

Kala saya terlihat atau terserempak dengan orang yang memegang rekod sebagai pelajar terbaik batch, hati saya pantas melirik dengki. Pendengkian atas kejayaannya itu datang secara tiba-tiba.

Saya faham, itu dengki yang baik dan dibenarkan syarak. Mana tidaknya, berlumba untuk jadi yang terbaik di sisi Allah dan manusia sememangnya digalakkan.

Tapi, dengki bukan setakat mendengki. Dengki mulia itu perlu diiringkan dengan usaha menganjakkan diri semahu dan setinggi yang mampu. Kemudian, serah saja segalanya kepada Yang Maha Mengatur.

Moga harapan besar ini tidak didengki sang malas yang selalu meracun diri. Lawan tetap lawan. Alang-alang mujahadah, biarlah sampai jannah!

Terlanjur mendengki, biarlah dengki mulia. ^^



2 Oktober 2012
8:42 p.m

#11 : Yang Tidak Menyukai Jawatan

Kelu. Mahu kata bagaimana pun saya tak tahu.

Saya, apabila semakin dewasa, ada saja perubahan yang berlaku. Kadang-kadang, saya tak tahu, apa punca sebenar saya berubah sebegitu.

Antaranya, yang pertama, saya jadi malu mahu letakkan gambar di laman sosial.  Kedua, saya kini jadi tidak suka berjawatan, tambah-tambah kalau jawatan itu jawatan besar.


Tarik nafas dalam-dalam, tahan dan lepaskan kembali.

Sungguh, semua perubahan ini berlaku tanpa saya sedari. Mungkin persekitaran hidup saya yang telah lama mempengaruhi saya.

Dan mungkin juga hati saya yang tak pernah surut merendah diri.  Tak tahu lagi nak buat bagaimana.
Apabila berfikir secara mendalam, saya fikir saya perlu mengorak langkah baharu. Tak perlu takut lagi dengan jawatan. Bahkan gunakannya dengan daya yang terbaik. Jadikan diri lebih bermanfaat dengan jawatan tersebut.

Namun, dari satu sudut, hati haruslah sentiasa dijaga. Agar segalanya dilakukan hanya kerana Allah, bukan kerana jawatan.

Alhamdulillah, satu lagi harapan yang bakal menyinari hidup saya, insya-Allah.



20 Oktober 2012
10:04 a.m