From Biochemistry Department Book :
- Favism is a type of Congenital Haemolytic Anaemia or Hereditary Haemolyti Anaemia.
- Congenital Hemolytic Anaemia is occurs due to congenital deficiency of Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydogenase ( G6PD ).
- It is X-linked condition.
- Deficiency of G6PD result in :
* Decrease in the level of NADPH+H
* Hence, a decrease in the concentration of Reduced Glutathione ( GSH ), which is the main defense mechanism facing the dangerous effect of Hydrogen Peroxide and other oxidant radicals.
- Hydrogen Peroxide may decrease the life span of Erythrocytes and increase the rate of oxidation of Haemoglobin ( Hb ) into Methaemoglobin.
- The deficiency is manifested only after intake of certain oxidant drugs like primaquine, the antimalarial drug or after ingestion of fava beans ( broad beans ).
- Oxidizing drugs and sulfa drugs, in absence of reduced glutathione ; may distort the membrane of RBCs resulting in hemolysis.
* The urine turns black
* Jaundice is developed
* Hb contentof blood drops sharply.
- In some cases; massive destruction of RBCs causes death.
- This disease could be treated by :
* Administration of antioxidants
* Regular transfusion of packed RBCs.
Meaning of Favism :
Dorland's Pocket Medical Dictionary 28th Edition.
- An acute hemolytic anemia precipitated by fava beans ( ingestion or inhalation of pollen ), usually caused by G6PD in erythrocytes.
Oxford Medical Dictionary.
- Inherited defect in the enzyme G6PD causing the red blood cells ( RBC ) to become sensitive to a chemical in fava beans.
Eating this bean result in destruction of RBC ( Haemolysis ), which may lead to severe anaemia, requiring blood transfusion. Favism occur most commonly in the Mediterranean and Middle East.
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Fava Beans ( Broad Beans ) |
25 October 2012.
7:04 a.m
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